Witness my funny
Anders Andersen
JoinedPosts by Anders Andersen
WT Article - David Versus Goliath—Did It Really Happen?
by ttdtt inhttps://www.jw.org/en/publications/magazines/watchtower-no5-2016-september/david-versus-goliath-real/.
the article ends with this:.
there is no real basis for doubting the truthfulness of this historical account.
Printing presses, bye... bye...
by sp74bb inbye... bye.... no more new printing presses for jw.org... the growth is so tremendous (irony...).. all printing work in europe will be arrange in the next month only in selters (germany), but no renovation or upgrading in printing presses is expected... it will be a full outsourcing :).
a worldly company axel s******* will be used.
this company is known to be printing bild newspaper... the interesting part of it is the logistics will be as well outsourced.
Anders Andersen
Yes, very smart business wise, from a human point of view. So after 120 years Jesus finds out worldly people are smart after all?
Jehovah protects his people. Did he ever protect you?
by TimeBandit inhello forum.
i started this topic because i had been thinking recently about a story that i had heard many times in different congregations over the years.
kind of a jw urban legend if you will.
Anders Andersen
Maybe you shouldn't pray while driving. Keep your eyes on the road ;-)
WT Article - David Versus Goliath—Did It Really Happen?
by ttdtt inhttps://www.jw.org/en/publications/magazines/watchtower-no5-2016-september/david-versus-goliath-real/.
the article ends with this:.
there is no real basis for doubting the truthfulness of this historical account.
Anders Andersen
Is Iron Man real?
1) Exoskeleton and experimental jet packs exist, so the technology is hardly impossible.
2) Captain America spoke about Iron Man. He considered him real.
3) The USA, where Iron Man lives and works, is a real country! Many tourists have seen it's astonishing beauty while they visited the places where Iron Man fought his battles.
There is no good reason to doubt that Iron Man is more than just a story.
Yup. Seems legit!
Did others experience this on the ministry or among JWs generally?
by slimboyfat insometimes it's hard to know if our own experience of jws was typical and what features were peculiar to our own area or the individual jws we knew personally.
i was wondering if others experienced this among jws:.
a few times on the ministry, when we were working wealthy areas with large houses, some brothers and sisters would make the comment that they look forward to taking ownership of one of these big houses after armageddon, when the worldly people have vacated them.
Anders Andersen
I've heard and made statements like that while in FS. But never with the meaning 'I hope the people living in this specific house die in Armageddon, because I want this house'. It was always conveying the meaning of 'After Armageddon I'd like to have a house like this in an area like this'.
Thoughtless and selfish, yes. Intentionally cruel...not so much.
I've been found out!
by pale.emperor inwell, thats it folks.. my identity on here has been rumbled and reported to the elders.
someone, somehow, has figured out that im a member of this site and - rather than speak to me - has promptly reported me to the elders.
i just feel sad for my daughter.
Anders Andersen
As far as how the situation affects your wife, I'd suggest being the kindest, most loving husband and father that you can be. Her family will smear you as a "mentally diseased apostate" who has aligned himself with the Devil. Prove the opposite.
Yes. This.
I've been found out!
by pale.emperor inwell, thats it folks.. my identity on here has been rumbled and reported to the elders.
someone, somehow, has figured out that im a member of this site and - rather than speak to me - has promptly reported me to the elders.
i just feel sad for my daughter.
Anders Andersen
Another idea: let's make some accounts and impersonate the JC or others in the congo. Then accuse everyone, fly in a couple of CO's and detonate a whole congregation
I've been found out!
by pale.emperor inwell, thats it folks.. my identity on here has been rumbled and reported to the elders.
someone, somehow, has figured out that im a member of this site and - rather than speak to me - has promptly reported me to the elders.
i just feel sad for my daughter.
Anders Andersen
1) It's none of anyone's dogmand business what sites other people do or do not visit.
2) Elders, like anyone else, have zero/nada/zilch authority over anything or anyone.
3) See #1
4) Whatever happens, make sure that YOU know that YOU as a parent are responsible for the well being of your child.
Not today or tomorrow, but do tell your wife that your child is not allowed to participate in demo's, will not be an unbaptised publisher, and cannot be baptized before she is legally an adult. Nobody except you and your wife is allowed to do any
cult instructionBible study with your child. Not even close family.If you're DFed or DAed, write a letter to the BOE saying the same, including your intention to sue if they ignore your wishes as legal guardian.
The further your child is assimilated, the further she'll be drawn away from you. Protect her.
(#4 comes from me being in a somewhat similar situation. Haven't told my wife yet, but will do soon. I won't allow my child to be in fear of next week's Armageddon, or be sad because daddy won't be in Paradise. F#ck this cult.)
Good luck. Stay strong.
slimboyfat joins the Mormons!
by slimboyfat ini know that some people on the board have experience of being mormons, so i would be interested in your feedback.
at church this afternoon it was an uncanny experience.
in the past i've read a lot about mormons, so i thought i was prepared in general for what it would be like.
Anders Andersen
I found this very interesting answer by an ex-Mormon on Quora.
Replace 'LDS church' with 'WBTS' and it reads exactly like our stories.
Do all former mormons despise the church? This is an obvious no. Just like there are those few people at church that are rude, and ignorant. Most people at church are pretty nice, but the jerks take center stage because they are the loudest. Since the exmos that don't hate the lds church are pretty much silent, it's the ones that do, and speak out, that you hear.
Why do people who leave the LDS Church have such angry feelings about it? I can't speak for all exmos, but I'll give you my opinion.
1. I hate that I was lied to. About church history, about the restoration, about LDS Church history in general, about the doctrine, and about just everything. So many lies, changes, edits, and word twists that the truth is so far off what is being taught. And their answer? Just have faith that it's true. So when you love something, and devote your life to something, and find out you were duped. It hurts. Like getting cheated on by someone you love and trust X1000. It truly hurts.
2. Their are two LDS Churches. The church for the members which is a show. A playright if you will. And then there is the LDS Church itself which is a corporate structure that stays in business by putting on that show. It exists to make money. (Wanna test it? Just go to your bishop, and tell him you can't make the mortgage payment this month. Watch as your social status goes from a 9 to a burden.)
3. They hold your family hostage against you? Families can be together forever right? Sure, so long as everyone behaves, and follows the rules. So families are pitted against each other. Which comes first, The LDS Church, or your own family? Sadly, there are so many people who have been disowned, and are without a family. Christmas is lonely.
4. We love our families too, and to watch them get taken advantage of, and exploited for quite a bit of their free time, and 10% of their income is tough to watch. Sure, we try to warn them, and show them, but they view us as angry exmormons that despise the LDS Church. To them, we're just angry, and shouldn't be listened to. Would you warn your family if you knew they were being taken advantage of by a con artist?
5. People are excommunicated, and ostracized for studying LDS Church History. They throw good faithful members away for being studious. If you learned something about Nephi that blew your mind, wouldn't you share? OMG, did you know that Nephi Parallels Daniel from the Bible? They might have hung out. (Old rumor, but I'll keep non-anti-mormon just for you. ;)
Those are just off the top of my head, but I could research a little more for you if you really want specifics.
The fact is, we're NOT angry. We're hurt, and we see other people being hurt. And that hurts. The most frustrating thing about it too, is the people we see being hurt think they're being helped, and ask for more. -
From Our Archives (10 years ago)
by berrygerry inwt - may 15, 2006 - p. 31. the worldwide preaching of the established kingdom of god done by jehovah’s witnesses has become just such a threat to the nations.
after all, the messianic kingdom of god in the hands of jesus christ is going to “crush and put an end to all [man-made] kingdoms.” (daniel 2:44) the message of judgment included in our preaching work is sending out a tremor among the nations.
(isaiah 61:2) .
Anders Andersen
Made me lol :-D